Sunday, March 29, 2009

Some thoughts on parshas toldos

Why did God "hate" Esav(Esau) and "love" Yaakov(Jacob) (Malachi 1:2-3)? Why was Yitzkhak's(Isaac) favor towards Esav and not towards God's "favorite"? Was Yitzkhak's intention to continue God's bechira(selection) process with Esav? Was the birthright(bekhoratehka) that Yaakov "stole" the blessing of the selecting of God's one chosen nation? What was the nature of the birthright? What was the nature of the beracha(blessing) that Yaakov "stole"? What was the nature of the last two berachot that Yitzkhak gives: one to Esav and the last to Yaakov?
Why is Yitzkhak's love connected to something ("...for game was in his mouth[befiv]") wherase Rivka's is unconnected?

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