Friday, August 8, 2008

More messiah colored glass from the NY Times.

With Obama slipping in the poles NY Times columnist David Brooks is trying hard to convince us that its because he is so far beyond our capacity to understand him. Like Jesus and Abraham he is a "sojourner". He rose up through our lowly institutions (prestigious colleges on both coasts, Harvard Law School, State legislator and US Senate.). Using messianic terms Brooks writes "he was in law school, but not of it... but he was in the Legislature, not of it". In fact, while he was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, although he was so intelligent and enlightened "...he never committed those ideas to paper by publishing a piece of scholarship". Like Jesus he appeals to all peoples because "people on almost all sides of any issue can see parts of themselves reflected in Obama’s eyes". But because of our lowly and fallen natures we cannot not fully comprehend his blinding light.
As the campaign heats up the candidates are forced to be more candid. The more Obama is off the teleprompter the more like a bumbling politician he sounds. In fact he is the complete opposite of George Bush. George Bush sounds like a bumbling idiot when he is talking with prewritten speeches but he is very clear when talking off-the-cuff. The country is beginning to see through the messiah colored glasses that the media has been so desperately trying to slip on us.

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